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We at Internews believe strongly in our work and its impact on communities across the globe.  Information matters. Media matters. It brings us together. It helps communities solve problems. For all these reasons and more, we hope you’ll partner with Internews by making your donation today.

Internews Europe Annual Reports and Accounts

Internews Europe is a registered charity in England and Wales as a Charity no. 1148404 and Company no. 7891107 and in France as Non-Profit Association SIRET no. 425 132 347 000 13.

Financial Reports

Internews Europe prepares group accounts which, to the extent necessary, include financial information for both the UK and France

Open Data Policy

Internews Europe is starting to publish project data according to IATI Standards and will be shortly issuing an Open Data Policy, of which the Exclusion Policy will be a part.