Demokrasi Alam Sekitar: Akses Maklumat, Urus Tadbir & Penyertaan Komuniti Di Mana?’ (Environmental Democracy: Where is the Access to Information, Governance and Community Participation?)

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm GMT+0800

Internews in Malaysia in partnership with the European Union will host a webinar titled ‘Demokrasi Alam Sekitar: Akses Maklumat, Urus Tadbir & Penyertaan Komuniti Di Mana?’ (Environmental Democracy: Where is the Access to Information, Governance and Community Participation?) on September 24th 2021 (Friday) at 3pm MYT. The webinar will discuss the intersection of environmental democracy with the information ecosystem, policy, politics and public participation in Malaysia.

The online session will be conducted in Bahasa Malaysia and will feature indigenous and local environmental activists.


Free registration