Internews supports information that is vital to the effective delivery of global health services. For 40 years, we have worked to ensure access to the accurate and timely information that people need to make the best decisions for themselves, their families and their communities.
Trustworthy health information is a vital service in its own right.
HRSM Amazon: Addressing COVID-19 in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, and Peru
Internews supports journalists with the tools and training to understand scientific advances in health, to counter stigma and challenge societal norms through using human stories and voices in their health reporting and to watchdog government health policies and services. From basic health reporting to data journalism, community engagement and rumor tracking, our bespoke training and mentoring programs promote vibrant health conversations between local media, health providers and the communities they serve and provide avenues for community health concerns to be heard and addressed.
Health Projects
We respond to epidemics and pandemics with accurate information needed to make rapid decisions; and provide journalists with the tools to help people make healthy choices in the long term.
Health Projects
Health Journalism Network
Join a community of media practitioners who cover health and are interested in connecting with each other, and accessing training and tools to help them in their work.
Health Journalism Network