Strong Business Models

Optima: Defending the Internet with Data

What we have learned

OPTIMA’s Internet Shutdowns Advocacy Needs Assessment surveyed 142 civil society organizations to understand the most pressing challenges civil society organizations face in fighting to prevent and curtail internet shutdowns, the resource and skill gaps they feel they need to fill to be more effective in this advocacy, and the opportunities for support from funders and global advocacy groups. As part of this research, we found:

The threat is high

— 60% of respondents in our research survey said a shutdown in the next year is likely or very likely

But capacity is low

— 49% of the respondents assessed capacity as either nonexistent or weak

— 84% of respondents that have never worked on shutdowns report that they do not have any preparatory measures in place in case of an internet shutdown.

Graphic with various graphic elements

Using our findings to drive programming

Resource creation & localization:

Through small granting, we produce advocacy resources and Circumvention tool guides.

Training & expert coordination:

We conduct trainings on network measurement to upskill advocates with quantitative methods


We are building an interactive guide with advocacy best practices, case studies, methods for prediction, tutorials and resources to improve technical capacity.

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Buttons by default will look like the outline button. It’s okay to set these other background colors, too; but don’t change text colors or border radius settings:

A white button works well
on a dark image or color.

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Caption for this river

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Lotus blossom caption

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an important person

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Caption for a beautiful place.

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  • li with nested elements
    • Nested ul one level in
      • Nested ul li two levels
  • Long <li> text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Qui officia deserunt ut enim ad minim veniam. Ut enim ad minim veniam, ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
    1. Nested ol li
  1. Ordered List
  2. li with nested elements
    1. Nested ol one level in
      1. Nested ol two levels
    2. Nested ol item
  3. Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
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    • Nested ul li

Pullquote, different styling from blockquote. Qui officia deserunt ut enim ad minim veniam. Ut enim ad minim veniam, ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

pullquote citation