Unusual Unanimity among the Parliamentarians

Kloop: “MPs always agree with each other and often miss the hearings. Let us tell you about the unbelievable unanimity inside the Kyrgyz parliament.” 

The Kloop fellows got the idea for the story after looking at the voting data of the Kyrgyz Parliament for the last one-and-a-half years, taken from the Parliament website. They discovered alarming patterns, such as unusual unanimity among the parliamentarians regarding nearly every law, even including MPs from the opposition, and regular absence of MPs, the more oppositional the MP the more often s/he will miss the hearings.

Journalists used data analysis skills in Excel including pivot tables (learned at the second advanced training in June) and data visualization tools (Flourish, Datawrapper) and combined it with shoe-leather reporting and professional illustrations to tell the astonishing story that came out of the data. The article inspired some discussions in social media and society. The people expressed the opinion that many MPs have no idea what they decide or for which bills they vote.

The story was viewed 3,859 times on Kloop’s website (FB: 28 Likes, 11 Shares).