Read the Together for Conservation Overviews
Together for Conservation seeks to strengthen the capacities of civil society actors, organizations, and their regional networks to lead biodiversity conservation and environmental crime prevention efforts in the Amazon regions of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
En Español: Conservando Juntos busca fortalecer las capacidades de los actores de la sociedad civil, organizaciones y sus redes regionales para liderar esfuerzos de conservación de la biodiversidad y prevención de delitos ambientales en la región Amazónica de de Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú.
Showcasing the Stories of Together for Conservation
To enhance quality coverage of environmental crimes in the Amazon and highlight possible solutions the project has strengthening the capacity of journalists and indigenous and local communicators in Colombia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
During the first round of grants in 2023, 24 journalists from the four countries produced 30 stories as a result of a five-month mentorship process. Read these narratives that inspire change!
In 2024 the second round of grants supported 45 journalists in their reporting, resulting in 49 stories from the four countries after a five-month mentorship process. Read these narratives that inspire change:
- Read the stories on the Earth Journalism Network (EJN) website.
- And look out for new opportunities for story grants on the EJN website.
Together for Conservation Media Grants
Internews awarded media outlets in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru through the Together for Conservation project to enhance the ability of media grants, journalists, and local communicators to safely produce accurate and in-depth coverage of environmental crimes.
Information Ecosystem Research (IERs)
Internews is developing Information Ecosystem Research (IERs) in the geographies prioritized by this project, incorporating innovatively the information and communication approach into conservation practice.
- Information Ecosystem Analysis of the Fishing Sector in Manaus and Manacapuru, in the state of Amazonas. Read more here.
- Information Ecosystem Analysis – Amazon Waters Alliance. Read more here.
- Information Ecosystem Analysis, Wildlife Management in the Ecuadorian Amazon Provinces of Orellana and Pastaza. Read more here.
- Information Ecosystem Analysis on Wildlife Conservation in Puerto Asís, Orito, and Puerto Leguízamo in Putumayo, Colombian Amazon. Read more here.
Strengthening Communities with Digital Security Training
This digital security course emerged in response to the rising violence against those reporting on environmental crimes. It provides journalists and human rights defenders with guidelines, digital tools, protocols, and mechanisms to protect their information and more. The course is free of charge through the Internews Studio platform, which enables self-paced learning in Spanish and Portuguese. You can read more about the course here and find tutorials on how to access them:
How to Strengthen Collaboration Between Journalists and Scientists
To bridge a dialogue between scientists and journalists, Internews within the framework of the Together for Conservation project and in alliance with USAID and WCS presents the Tool Kit: “How to promote joint work between scientists and journalists for conservation?” The tool kit shares recommendations and practices to promote effective communication between science and journalism. It also aims to strengthen informed decision-making in environmental conservation and highlights the importance of fostering strong collaborations between the scientific community and journalism professionals.
Summary of the Project
Through the Together for Conservation project, Internews is implementing an innovative initiative to strengthen and complement conservation efforts while ensuring peoples’ right to access information. Read more about the results:
This document is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Internews, and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.