Oct 27, 2018
Much migration within Mali and across its borders is driven by poverty and the hope for a better life, but these movements are also risky and open new vulnerabilities. Migrants from Mali or other West and Central African countries constantly face difficulties and are often among the poorest and most disadvantaged and excluded people. Their vulnerabilities are in part due to their lack of quality information.
In September 2018 Internews conducted an Information Needs Assessment of people on the move in the northeastern region of Mali, more specifically in the city of Gao. The assessment maps information needs and habits of migrant communities in Gao to better understand how these individuals and communities receive information, which sources they trust, and what kind of communication channels or platforms they use. Gaining accurate information in this largely informal and insecure environment is one of the key issues for people on the move in Gao. Both Malian and international respondents to this study appeared to be in critical need of alternative sources of information in order to make proper decisions.
The study was realized over a two-week period, of which one week was data collection, in close partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Signpost. Read the assessment here.