Oyo Towuti Koyoka (“What we Heard”)

In response to the 11th Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in the Mbandaka, Equateur region, Internews has launched a new rumor tracking bulletin specific to the region.

The first week’s edition looked at the following issues and rumors:

  • Why do Safe and Dignified burial teams want to bury bodies of dead people who did not die of Ebola?
  • Ebola does not exist in our country. It is an arrangement of the authorities with its partners to earn money.
  • Ebola does not exist. It is just a disease of bad luck.

In Mbandaka, Internews is providing technical guidance and support to our local media partner, AMACEQ to take a leading role in the production of a radio program for distribution to the ten radio partners in the region. AMACEQ is also playing a leading role at the Risk Communication and Community Engagement meeting ensuring Internews’ new bulletin (Oyo Towuti Koyoka – a Lingala expression that means “What we Heard”) is validated. Our intervention in Mbandaka replicates our successful work in the Ebola fight in Eastern DRC with a radio program, rumor tracking bulletin and partner capacity building.

Past Issues