After two decades on the front lines of humanitarian and health crises, Internews has seen how a single rumor can derail a response effort, costing time, resources, dignity, and ultimately, lives.
Rooted in Trust (RiT) was a pandemic information response project that aimed to counter the unprecedented scale and speed of the spread of rumors and misinformation about COVID-19, vaccines and health issues in 15 countries.

RiT worked both at the hyper local and global level to enhance the capacity of humanitarians, media, and health communicators, encouraging better collaboration and ensuring their COVID-19 information efforts were shaped by and responsive to the needs of vulnerable communities already impacted by humanitarian crises.
What is RiT?
Rooted in Trust was a global pandemic information response project which aimed to counter the unprecedented spread of rumors and misinformation related to COVID-19. Between 2020- 2023, we worked alongside more than 40 media, health, and humanitarian organizations and collaborated with the Internews Health Journalism Network to identify harmful misinformation and support their role as trusted information providers in their communities.
We aimed to:
- Collect, analyze and work to understand misinformation circulating in online and offline information networks.
- Focus on marginalized groups such as refugees, IDPs and migrants, ethnically and linguistically diverse communities, LGBTQIA+, digitally disconnected and indigenous people.
- Generate accessible analysis to support local media, humanitarian and health communicators to create relevant and localized information that responds to community needs and concerns.
- Foster networks to promote stronger coordination between local media, humanitarian, and health communicators to improve information resilience in vulnerable communities.
Countries & Impact
This project worked in Afghanistan, Brazil, Central African Republic, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Iraq, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Philippines, South Sudan, Sudan, Yemen and Zimbabwe. Rooted in Trust is a project of the Internews Network, made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance.
Since 2020, Rooted in Trust teams has:
- Collected and analyzed over 40,000 rumors from social media platforms and community engagement activities.
- Reached more than 81 million people with accurate and relevant information in over 60 local languages.
- Produced hundreds of actionable analysis reports for media, health, and humanitarian communicators, ensuring their actions were informed by community information priorities and needs.
- Supported the production of more than 500 radio broadcasts and media stories as countless well as street theater, influencer campaigns and community outreach events.

Information Ecosystem Assessments
Information Ecosystem Assessments are a unique, human-centered approach designed to understand the dynamics of how information is created, accessed and shared in a given environment. This helps our teams tailor information and communication interventions, ensuring they are accessible, follow community preferences and address barriers or risks in the communities where we work.
We conducted assessments in all our project focal countries, see the country summaries below to find out more, or click here to read more about Internews’ approach to Information Ecosystems.
Key Resources
Rooted in Trust invested in global research in health-related misinformation, health communication, the dynamics of trust and barriers preventing individuals from accessing quality health information to inform decision making. See below a selection of key reports produced by the project.
Explore Rooted in Trust’s Work By Country
In Afghanistan, communities have been impacted by decades of war, compounded by natural disasters, economic crises and significant a change in political leadership in August 2021. Women, children, people with disabilities and ethnic minorities, continue to be amongst the most vulnerable and have less access to reliable information than the wider population.
RiT Afghanistan produced regular rumor analysis bulletins to support humanitarian and health coordination networks, mentored local media and supported them to engage with their communities health questions and produce quality localized content responding to rumors.
In the beginning of 2021, the Rooted in Trust Afghanistan team performed an information ecosystem assessment to understand which populations were most information vulnerable because of COVID-19. The report is entitled “Diversity, Distance and Distrust: Information dynamics in Afghanistan during the COVID-19 pandemic” and is available in English, Dari and Pashto.
In Brazil, Rooted in Trust worked to address the impacts of pandemic-related misinformation with local partners, the International Institute of Education of Brazil (IEB) the Indigenous Research and Training Institute Iepé and the Saúde e Alegria Project (PSA), in the States of Pará, Amapá, and Roraima, where some of the most vulnerable Indigenous and Quilombola communities reside.
RiT Brazil produced regular rumor analysis bulletins to support humanitarian and health coordination networks, mentored local media and grassroots groups and assisted them in engaging with their communities’ health questions and producing high-quality, localized content to address and counteract rumors.
RiT Brazil produced several assessments which focused on specific regions and vulnerable groups:
- Information Offers in Brazil – A National Overview (English and Portuguese), 2022
- Diagnosis With Quolombola Communities of Barcarena (Pa), Macapá and Santana (Ap) (English), 2022
- Diagnosis With Indigenous Communicators of The Wakywai Network in Roraima (English and Portuguese), 2022
- Face to Face: Struggle and information experiences with the indigenous and quilombola LGBTQIAP+ population in Brazil (English and Portuguese), 2023
- Como comunicar temas de saúde em tempos de crise? How to communicate health topics in times of crisis? (Portuguese)
Central African Republic
In Central African Republic (CAR), Rooted in Trust worked with 11 partners from Bangui and 15 community radios in the provinces including the Association des Factchckers de Centrafrique (Central African Fact Checkers Association), Le Réseau des Journalistes pour les Droits de l’Homme (RJDH, The Network of Journalists for Human Rights) and Réseau des medias communautaires centrafricains (RMCC – Network of CAR Community Media outlets). The project focused on vulnerable communities in CAR, as well as refugee groups both within the country and neighboring countries and included the production of a 45 minute radio program called “Synergy of Radios” which was produced and broadcast weekly by 26 radio stations.
RiT CAR produced regular rumor analysis bulletins to support humanitarian and health coordination networks and assisted them in engaging with their communities’ health questions and producing high-quality, localized content to address and counteract rumors.
In the early 2021, the team released an information ecosystem assessment to understand which populations were most information vulnerable because of COVID-19. The report is available in English and French here.
In Colombia, Rooted in Trust worked with a national LGBTQIA+ rights organization Corporación Caribe Afirmativo and Sinergias estratégicas para la salud y el desarrollo to respond to pandemic-related misinformation in the Pacific Coast and Colombian Amazon Basin in the Departments of Caqueta, Choco, Putumayo, and Vaupes with indigenous, afro Colombians, and LGBTIQ+ groups.
RiT Colombia produced regular rumor analysis bulletins to support humanitarian and health coordination networks, mentored local media and grassroots groups and assisted them in engaging with their communities’ health questions and producing high-quality, localized content to address and counteract rumors.
RiT Colombia produced several assessments which focused on specific regions and vulnerable groups:
- On the move during the COVID-19 pandemic: Information, trust and influence among Venezuelans in Narino, Colombia (English and Spanish), 2021
- Information Ecosystem Assessment: Chocó, Vaupés and Caquetá (English and Spanish), 2022
- Information Ecosystem Assessment: Afro Colombian Communities in Chocó (English and Spanish), 2022
- Information Ecosystem Assessment: Indigenous Peoples In Puerto Corroncho, Vaupés (English and Spanish), 2022
- Information Ecosystem Assessment: Indigenous people with diverse SOGIESC in Caquetá, (English and Spanish), 2023
Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rooted in Trust focused on displaced people, women, and youth engaged in cross-border petty trade in the eastern part of the country, particularly in the provinces of Ituri, North Kivu, South Kivu, and Tanganyika, in order to provide information and communication responses that will enable community members to make informed decisions about their health.
The project partnered with Pole Institute, Association des Femmes des Médias du Sud Kivu (AFEM – Association of Media Women of South Kivu), and Union Congolaise des Femmes de Média (UCOFEM – Congolese Union of Media Women).
RiT DRC produced regular rumor analysis bulletins to support humanitarian and health coordination networks, mentored local media and grassroots groups and assisted them in engaging with their communities’ health questions and producing high-quality, localized content to address and counteract rumors.
In 2023, the team produced an Information Ecosystem Assessment:
In Haiti, Rooted in Trust worked to address the impacts of pandemic related information across the country with vulnerable communities. The project partnered with Panos Caribbean, a well-known Haitian organization that supports marginalized populations through the media to enable communities to communicate and participate in ongoing development efforts and Policité, a non-partisan, non-governmental think-and-do tank based in Haiti that aims to drive the design and implementation of effective, citizen-centered public development policies. In early 2023, the team released an Information Ecosystem Assessment that explored the Cholera outbreak and the role of health workers, it is available here in French.
Over 670,000 internally displaced people IDPs are living in 25 camps across Iraqi Kurdistan region. Most of the IDPs in northern provinces are Sunni Arabs, Ezidis, and Christians. Rooted in Trust Iraq is working to address health information issues in the IDP camps in Erbil and Duhok governorates, where these communities reside.
RiT Iraq produced regular rumor analysis bulletins to support humanitarian and health coordination networks, mentored local media and grassroots groups and assisted them in engaging with their communities’ health questions and producing high-quality, localized content to address and counteract rumors.
The project partnered with local NGO Barzani Charity Foundation (BCF), independent news outlet KirkukNow and digital rights organization Tech 4 Peace. In December 2022, the team produced an information ecosystem assessment focusing on the information needs and barriers impacting internally displaced persons in the Kurdistan region. You can read it here in English.
In Lebanon Rooted in Trust worked to address the impacts of pandemic related information with vulnerable communities across the country, with a particular focus on Syrian refugees in the Bekaa and Akkar governorates.
The project partnered with local NGO Maharat Foundation,Endless Medical Advantage (EMA), a refugee-led organization providing sustainable healthcare services and Akkarouna, a local non-profit covering the northern Lebanon regions.
RiT Lebanon produced several information ecosystem assessments focusing on the needs of specific vulnerable groups:
- A Penny For Your Thoughts: LGBTIQA+ Community Information Ecosystem Assessment (English and Summary), 2023
- Know Which Way the Wind Is Blowing: Access And Trust In A Multi-Layered Infodemic For Syrian Refugees And Vulnerable Lebanese (English, Arabic and Summary), 2022
- Spilling The Beans: Access And Trust in A Multi-Layered Infodemic For Migrant Workers In Lebanon (English, Arabic And Summary), 2022
- Peeling The Onion: A Multi-Layered Infodemic and Its Impact On Trust For Syrians In Lebanon (English), 2021
In Madagascar, Rooted in Trust is worked to address the impacts of pandemic related information across the country with vulnerable communities in 6 regions: Androy, Anosy, Analamanga, Vakinakaratra, Haute Matsiatra and Vatovavy.
The project partnered with local organizations Hai-Serasera Manonga Dia (Communication Idea Development), Ilontsera, Coalition des Radios and VIAMO.
RiT Madagascar produced regular rumor analysis bulletins to support humanitarian and health coordination networks, mentored local media and grassroots groups and assisted them in engaging with their communities’ health questions and producing high-quality, localized content to address and counteract rumors.
Rooted in Trust Mali worked to address COVID-19 misinformation with internally displaced persons and host communities in the regions of Timbuktu, Mopti, Sikasso, Ségou, Gao, and in the District of Bamako. These areas have a high concentration of IDPs and/or represent preferred routes for displaced people.
The project partnered with the Malian Association for Solidarity and Development (AMSODE), a local NGO implementing humanitarian and development programs and Doniblog, a community of bloggers and web activists which promotes active citizenship and press freedom.
RiT Mali produced regular rumor analysis bulletins to support humanitarian and health coordination networks, mentored local media and grassroots groups and assisted them in engaging with their communities’ health questions and producing high-quality, localized content to address and counteract rumors.
The team produced three reports:
- Our language, our information: This analysis focuses on the role of local languages in information access, trust, and sharing among displaced communities in the regions of Bamako, Sikasso, and Mopti. (English and French), 2023
- Mapping of media present in Mali, 2023
- Find a Link: learning about the communities displaced to Mali during covid-19 (English, French), 2021
Rooted in Trust Philippines worked to address COVID-19 misinformation in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) during 2020-2021. The project partnered with local NGO Initiatives for Dialogue and Empowerment through Alternative Legal Services (IDEALS) and the Coalition of Moro Youth Movement (CMYM), both operating in the geographic areas of Lanao del Sul and Maguindanao.
RiT Philippines produced regular rumor analysis bulletins to support humanitarian and health coordination networks, mentored local media and grassroots groups and assisted them in engaging with their communities’ health questions and producing high-quality, localized content to address and counteract rumors.
In 2021, the team produced an Information Ecosystem Assessment looking at information access and dynamics in the BARMM region. You can access the report here.
Read more about our youth ambassadors and our work in RiT in the Philippines here.
South Sudan
In South Sudan, Rooted in Trust worked to address the impacts of pandemic related information in Central Equatoria, Eastern Equatoria, Upper Nile, Unity State, Jonglei, Greater Pibor Administrative Area and Lakes State. These regions are selected because of the level of humanitarian crises and the existence of vulnerable communities.
We partnered with community development media agencies Community Engagement Network (CEN), The Radio Community, Voice of Reconciliation 98.4 FM and Advance Youth Radio as well as the #DefyHateNow initiative, which works to provide community-based and data-driven solutions to the problem of hate speech, disinformation and misinformation.
RiT South Sudan produced regular rumor analysis bulletins to support humanitarian and health coordination networks, mentored local media and grassroots groups and assisted them in engaging with their communities’ health questions and producing high-quality, localized content to address and counteract rumors.
RiT South Sudan generated two Information Ecosystem Assessments:
The Sudan Rooted in Trust (RiT) project aimed to address and dispel misinformation on COVID-19 within communities primarily affected by displacement and armed conflict in Khartoum, Al-Gedaref, Red Sea, Kassala, East Darfur, Central Darfur, South Darfur, West Darfur, North Darfur, South Kordofan, and Blue Nile States.
We partnered with Andariya, which runs a regional digital news and culture platform, the Khatim Adlan Enlightenment Center (KACE) which engages communities through street theatre and other community engagement activities and the national youth volunteer network Y-Peer Sudan.
RiT South Sudan produced regular rumor analysis bulletins to support humanitarian and health coordination networks, mentored local media and grassroots groups and assisted them in engaging with their communities’ health questions and producing high-quality, localized content to address and counteract rumors.
RiT Sudan generated two Information Ecosystem Assessments:
- Gender, Displacement and Covid-19: Vaccination Challenges in Sudan’s Information Ecosystem (English, Arabic), 2023
- Misinformed: Sudan’s centralization problem & the pandemic (English, Arabic), 2021
In Yemen, offline activities, including community events, listening groups, and data collection, primarily took place in Aden, Lahj, Marib, Taiz, and Hadramout, while the media content aimed at combating misinformation was disseminated nationwide. The project worked with a particular focus on highlighting and addressing the concerns of Internally displaced persons (IDPs) and the marginalized ethnic group Al- Muhammasheen.
We partnered with three organizations: two media organizations, Awafi and Sout Al-Mohamasheen, and one humanitarian organization, Soul. In 2023, the team released an Information Ecosystem Assessment, National Fragmentation: Marginalization, Displacement, And Disinformation in Yemen. Full report and summary available here in English.
Rooted in Trust Zimbabwe focused on vulnerable communities, particularly women and youth, in the provinces of Matabeleland North, Matabeleland South, Midlands, Masvingo, and Bulawayo to address the impacts of pandemic-related misinformation.
We worked alongside The Centre for Innovation and Technology (CITE), The Zimbabwe Association of Community Radio Stations (ZACRAS) and The Community Working Group on Health (CWGH) a network of civic and community-based organisations that aim to collectively enhance community participation in health in Zimbabwe.
RiT South Sudan produced regular rumor analysis bulletins to support humanitarian and health coordination networks, mentored local media and grassroots groups and assisted them in engaging with their communities’ health questions and producing high-quality, localized content to address and counteract rumors.
RiT Zimbabwe generated two Information Ecosystem Assessments: