Internews works with journalists in numerous countries – including Jordan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kenya, and places in Central America, as well as with Internews’ Earth Journalism Network – to bring light to critical issues through exploring data.


Graphic of a woman at a desk with a phone in one hand and pen in the other.

Internews’ Data Journalism Certification Program in Jordan was the first long-form data journalism training program offered in the Middle East and North Africa and produced the country’s first cadre of data literate local public interest journalists. Throughout the program, journalists learned to harness data to cover critical issues related to socioeconomic reforms, local governance, and human rights.


Two women sit at laptop computers.

Internews launched its signature 200-hour data journalism certification program with a group of passionate, early career journalists from remote tribal areas of Pakistan. The Data Journalism Certification Program was designed to produce a cadre of public-interest journalists who harness data to cover critical issues in neglected regions, an early experiment in bringing data journalism to local communities.


A woman sits in a living room watching television.

In Kyrgyzstan, Internews has focused on producing innovative data driven stories and growing local leaders in the field. Fellows and partner media outlets collaborated through a yearlong mentoring and training process with School of Data Kyrgyzstan to conduct the 200-hour certification to working journalists and mentor them through the production of stories.


Infographic showing child deaths by region.

Internews’ flagship data journalism program is Data Dredger, a hub for all things open data and data journalism in the country. Activities ranged from data literacy sessions and off-the-shelf infographics development for newsrooms to six-month investigative data journalism fellowships for journalists from Kenya’s leading newsrooms.

Central America

Silhouette of a woman behind a metal fence.

In a collaboration with four media organizations in Latin America, Internews and Insight Crime explored the role of organized crime in driving displacement and slavery in the region — and what authorities have failed to do about it. It brought together aspiring data and investigative journalists through an intensive fellowship and mentoring program to grow data journalism in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.

Earth Journalism Network (EJN)

A man and two women sit at a table looking at a laptop computer.

The Internews Earth Journalism Network has invested in building support for data journalism as a means to explaining crucial environmental issues. EJN has provided direct support for the establishment of geo-spatial data story platforms in the Amazon, the Himalayassouthern Africa, the Nile Basin and Europe.

Other Projects

Five women sit at a table working on laptop computers.

Other data journalism activities include support for journalists in Armenia, Palestine, Myanmar, Tanzania and Sri Lanka.

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