Internews sets up communication systems in conflict areas to help get information to affected populations.
Sudan and South Sudan
Central African Republic
- Emergency Newsroom (2014-2015): This small Internews project worked to establish an emergency multi-confessional newsroom and radio in Bambari in coordination with local community actors and leaders to cater to the population’s urgent information needs; provide humanitarian agencies and NGOs with a medium to broadcast peace, social cohesion, protection and hygiene/health messages; and encourage the return to normality by creating channels of communication between all communities and actors on the ground.
- Radio for Peace (2011-2012): Internews and the Bangui-based Association of Journalists for Human Rights (AJHR) undertook this project to improve the two-way information flow between communities and humanitarian agencies.
- Crisis Mapping (2012): Internews worked in partnership with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) and Ushahidi to set up an innovative system that fostered a bounded network of trusted local media organizations that gathers real-time first-hand information from local populations that, once verified and validated by a coordination center in Bangui, was uploaded into a crisis map that was publicly accessible.
Gaza Strip
- Humanitarian Broadcasts (2009): On January 9, 2009, during the height of the conflict, Internews became the first and only international organization to organize the broadcast of vital information on distribution of food and blankets, safe havens, road closures, medical care, and other humanitarian news to the people of Gaza.
- Conflict Resolution (2010-2018): When the violence broke out between ethnic Kyrgyz and Uzbek communities in southern Kyrgyzstan in June, 2010, Internews worked with the Kyrgyz government to create Yntymak (“Accord” or “Harmony”), a public radio station in the southern city of Osh that broadcasts in Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Russian, which now has a TV.
West Bank
- News You Can Use (2014): During the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, also known as Operation Protective Edge, the Gaza Humanitarian Information Service (HIS) produced and broadcast live a daily 1-hour humanitarian radio program with useful, actionable humanitarian news-you-can-use, interviews with humanitarian officials and feature audience call-in segments.